How To Get Beyond Your Obstacle Today


Listen to the full podcast episode to learn about the science-backed practice that has not only changed my life but also the lives of countless people over the last two decades. This is something you can’t ignore if you want to achieve that great goal you identified for this year and write your new future.



Imagine you’re working on a crucial project, and suddenly, your computer crashes, wiping out hours of work, or your best worker quits. Panic sets in, right? But what if you could remain calm, view the situation objectively, and even turn it to your advantage?

When faced with obstacles, many of us crumble under pressure, consumed by stress and anxiety. Yet, our ability to navigate through life’s hurdles can be significantly enhanced by adopting a shift in perspective. 

In this episode, I’m sharing a powerful formula for overcoming any obstacle in your life. I was inspired by my recent trip to Italy and the timeless wisdom of Marcus Aurelius. These principles, practiced by great leaders and innovators, can help you not only face the hurdles that come your way but also empower you to find calm and clarity amidst chaos.

Understanding the Nature of Obstacles

Life is full of unexpected hurdles, from minor inconveniences to significant life changes. These interruptions often catch us off guard and disrupt our routine. But how we handle these obstacles defines our journey. 

During my trip through Venice, Rome, and Florence, I was amazed at the ancient monuments and masterpieces. These structures, some over 2000 years old, were built despite monumental physical, emotional, and mental obstacles. The perseverance of those builders is a testament to human resilience and ingenuity.

The Philosophy of Stoicism

Marcus Aurelius, a Roman emperor from 140 AD, is renowned for his philosophical writings that have withstood the test of time. His writings emphasize turning obstacles into opportunities and transforming trials into triumphs. This philosophy, known as stoicism, teaches us to be objective, maintain our composure, and find solutions rather than give in to panic.

How to Remove Overwhelm in Obstacles Using Stoicism Philosophy

Practice Being Objective

One thing is for sure: we don’t want to bring our emotions to confront our struggles. Our problems can make us emotional, triggering a fight-or-flight state, clouding our judgment, and leading to poor decision-making. This does not help us with the obstacles, but too often, we do it anyway.

So, the one skill that can help us prevent ourselves from experiencing this extreme emotion is being objective.

For example, when astronauts train for space missions. Half of their training focuses on technology and space operations, and the other half emphasizes maintaining composure in unexpected situations. Like astronauts, staying calm allows us to access wisdom and solutions for unexpected turns that life takes. 

Keep a Cool Head

Keeping a cool head doesn’t mean suppressing emotions. It means recognizing when they are unhelpful and choosing to focus on solutions first rather than allowing emotions to dictate our actions. Try to remain calm amid an anxious state.

I recently watched the movie “The Long Game” with my family. It is a story about a coach who teaches young golfers to respond to obstacles with a clear head. Using golf as a metaphor for life, the coach illustrates how to handle unexpected challenges without getting emotional, emphasizing the importance of responding to the situation as it is. Sometimes we land in the bunker. Sometimes in the green. The successful take the next step from where the ball lies. 

Perspective is Power

I recall a time when I lost an important article I was writing for a book. All of a sudden, it was gone. But instead of panicking, wasting energy, and despairing over the lost work, I altered my perspective to stay calm and immediately started anew. Surprisingly, my second attempt turned out better than the first. By embracing the obstacle, I not only salvaged the situation but also improved upon it.

We can’t control the obstacles themselves, but we can control the meaning we assign them. By choosing a positive and proactive viewpoint, we can transform challenges into stepping stones toward success.

The next time you face an obstacle in life or business, try to:

  1. Keep a Cool Head: Maintain composure in the face of adversity. Like astronauts and military personnel, train yourself to stay calm and focused during unforeseen challenges.
  2. Practice Being Objective: Separate emotions from problem-solving. Emotions can be processed later; your immediate task is to address the obstacle objectively.
  3. Alter Your Perspective: Our perspective shapes our reality. Shift the meaning you assign to obstacles. Instead of seeing them as roadblocks, view them as integral parts of your journey and opportunities for growth.

Remember, you cannot get through life without obstacles. Trust that the obstacle is part of your path, that it is meant to be there, and that it is designed to help you in whatever way you are going. You’ve got this.

In this episode, I share:

  • The importance of using obstacles as a path forward rather than seeing them as mere hindrances.
  • Learn how to alter your perspective to transform your trials into triumphs.
  • Develop a calm and objective state when unexpected things happen.

Resources and related episodes:

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About Rita Hyland

With over 20 years of experience as an executive and leadership coach, Rita helps leaders — emerging and established — excel in corporate and entrepreneurial environments.

Rita believes if leaders were more clear about how transformation really works and more intentional about creating what they want, their impact, success, and influence in the world would be unstoppable.

Through her coaching programs, private coaching, and masterminds, Rita shows leaders how to win consistently and create the impact and legacy they desire.

Central to Rita’s work is the understanding that you will never outperform your current programming, no matter how strong your willpower.

When you learn to use Rita’s proprietary Inside Out Method, a technology that uses the best of neuroscience and transformational psychology to hit the brain’s buttons for change, YOU become both the solution and the strategy.

Her mission is to end talented, hard-working, and self-aware leaders spending another day stuck in self-doubt or confusion and not contributing their brilliant work and talent the world so desperately needs.

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